The outdoor ranges will be closed to effect repairs and upgrades to the berms on April 25th through May 8th. See the forum board for details!
The outdoor ranges will be closed to effect repairs and upgrades to the berms on April 25th through May 8th. See the forum board for details!
The next classes will be held Sundays, MAY 15th & MAY 29th, 2016 The price of the pistol safety course is $95.00, payment is due the day of the course. Cash is the only accepted method of payment. NO PERSONAL CHECKS,OR MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Details: The NRA is switching over to a blended pistol …
The Dinner will be held March 19th, at 6:00PM Reed could use help: Set up, Cook, Serve, Clean up. What’s the menu? Steamship round, Chicken Breast, and assorted sides. Tickets are $20 each. Children 12 and under are free! Raffle tickets are available for purchase at the dinner.
The antigunners are staging another rally in front of the NSSF Headquarters in Newtown. We’ll be there again too! We’ll be meeting on January 18th in front of the NSSF headquarters at 3:30pm, located right off rt 25 at 11 Mile Hill Rd, Newtown. Parking is tough, but you can park behind the Reed School, …
To All Connecticut Outdoorsman November 2, 2015 As most know, the pheasant stocking program, funded by hunters purchasing tags for the privilege of harvesting, is under assault by Governor Malloy. In addition to the prospective loss of pheasant hunting in the state of Connecticut on public land, Governor Malloy proposes to shut down the Kensington …
The next class will be held Sunday, January 24th, 2016 The price of the pistol safety course is $85.00, payment is due the day of the course. Cash is the only accepted method of payment. NO PERSONAL CHECKS,OR MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Details: The class starts at 8:30 am and will end approx. 5:30 …
This is the final version of the Range SOP draft. Please review and comment. P F&G SOP – final 9-3-15
We are having our annual Turkey Shoot once again! Shotguns in 12 & 20 gauge at a price of $3.00 per shot. Ammunition is supplied by the club. Win either a Turkey or a Ham for the holiday season. If you’ve never attended one it is a great deal of fun. We will be holding …
September 26th from 1-4pm there will be a chicken BBQ and open house. BBQ will be $10.00 a plate and there will be members on hand to provide tours of the facility. Ranges will be closed during this time. Look forward to seeing you there!
The outdoor ranges will be closed, Wednesday evening, September 2nd and will reopen on Wednesday, September 9th due to the Woodstock Fair activities. NO OUTDOOR SHOOTING ALLOWED DURING THESE TIMES. The indoor range will be accessible. Thank you for your cooperation.