Notice: Both ranges closed August 24
Both the outdoor and indoor ranges will need to be closed on Monday the 24th due to maintenance working in both areas simultaneously to get it completed in one day.
Both the outdoor and indoor ranges will need to be closed on Monday the 24th due to maintenance working in both areas simultaneously to get it completed in one day.
Access Gate is Out of Service. Folks, our access gate is out of service. Please check the members forum section in “General Chatter” for alternative operations instructions. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bring your appetite to our May 12th meeting! One of our members has graciously agreed to cook up a pasta dinner for you for the next membership meeting. Dinner starts at 6:PM and is $8.00 for all you can eat! Come and try out Dave’s culinary talents and enjoy a meal before, or even during …
CONNECTICUT DEEP HAS DECLARED MAY 9TH AS FREE FISHING DAY FOR ALL WATERS TO EVERYONE WITHOUT HAVING TO OBTAIN A FISHING LICENSE. In honor of Free Fishing Day, the Putnam Fish & Game Club is hosting a Family Fishing Derby and Fisherman’s Picnic from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Come and fish in our trout stocked pond and enjoy a …
The dates have been set! Time: 7AM to Noon. Cost: Adults and Youth over 16: $10.00 Juniors age 12-16: $5.00 Under 12 are Free Dates: April 26th May 24th June 28th Sept. 13th
We will be holding a CMP Service Rifle clinic on April 18th. The fee is $35 for 30 rounds. Registration begins at 10:00AM and final round is anticipated to end at 3:00PM. Come join us for an informative and fun time at the range. There will be a planning meeting on April 11th,10:00AM at the …
The dinner is Saturday March 14th at 5:30pm at the Thompson Speedway Restaurant in Thompson, CT. We have some great items in our raffles and auctions and will also be running the Great Gun Giveaway where we sell 50 tickets @ $20 each and winner gets their choice of one of 30 firearms or $500 …
Hi Folks, It is that time of year again. Your club dues and renewal are due to the Club Financial Secretary by the close of the February 2015 membership meeting. If your dues are not paid by that time your access to the club will be turned off as your FOB card will no longer …
Date: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8TH 2015 The price of the course is $85.00, payment is due the day of the course. Cash is the only accepted method of payment. NO PERSONAL CHECKS,OR MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Details: The class starts at 9:00am and will end approx. 5:30 pm We will break at noon for lunch …
A date has been set for our “Member Appreciation Supper” – February 21, 2015, at 6:30 pm. The deadline to reserve tickets is February 10, 2015 with a $10.00 deposit for club members (which will be returned when you attend the supper). Non-member guests will be allowed but there will be a charge for their …