Sunday Oct 17th 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Rain Date
Sunday Oct 24th 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.!
These shoots are something a little different to do at the club. They are mostly luck but it is an opportunity for members to get together and have some fun. You may even take home a couple of bucks in the process. We plan to have these shoots once a month as long as the weather holds out.
Entry fee is $3.00 a shot, 410, 20 or 12 gauge shells will be provided by the club. Bring your own shotgun (full choke recommended). If you don’t have a shotgun suitable for this there is always someone there willing to let you use theirs so you can participate.
We will be shooting at a theme oriented image with a small + in the center of it, the pellet hole closest to the center of the + wins that round! The prize is 50% of the entry fees for each round. Up to 24 Shooters per round and we will have as many rounds as people would like to participate in. The more participants in each round the more you win!
Just to keep it fun, we will have some type of produce to disintegrate at the halfway point and again at the end.
Guests are welcome, but all non-members must sign the liability waiver sheet that will be at the shoot registration table before participating.